
Gamers of the world… UNITE!

November 10, 2009, Author: Andy Corrigan

Are you like me? Fed up of seeing the games industry’s name constantly being dragged through the mud in the media and parliament, used as a scapegoat for all that is wrong with this world of ours? Now you can help in the motions to do something about it.

This time it’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 that is taking the brunt, and although I have no intention to rush out and buy the game, I have to sit back at the fact that it warranted a long discussion in parliament over the past two days, and laugh at how ridiculous the entire situation is.

Thankfully, it’s come to my attention that not all MP’s out there are like the perpetual embarrassment that is Keith Vaz, a man who somehow still commands respect for his position despite a somewhat shady past. MP Tom Watson has just achieved legendary status amongst gamers, having started a group on Facebook with a view to giving us, the gamers, a voice when it comes to these baffling situations where gaming gets discussed in the houses of parliament. Please, if you enjoy gaming on any capacity then this is a movement you should get behind. You can do so here.

My personal take on this is that rather than discussing the new big release and pouring their scorn on it, perhaps parliament and the government should be talking about more important issues, such as fixing the country’s broken economy. I think a lot of politicians need to realise just how much the games industry provides to the UK economy, without it we could be in much more of a mess than we already are, especially considering how much they were stealing from tax payers as a group over recent years.

Join that group, get commenting, and let’s make our voices heard!