Features & News
Advent Calendar Giveaway! Day 4: Batman: Arkham City (Code for PC)
December 4, 2011, Author: James Joell-Ireland
We believe that Christmas is all about family and friends, but we’d be lying if we said we didn’t like a present or two! That is why for the next twenty-one days we’ll be giving away prizes to our members, and you couldn’t find an easier place to be in with a chance of winning.
All you have to do is follow us on our social media outlets, we’ll be picking a daily winner from our Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages, along with prizes for our forum members.
Click on this article to get more information on what you can win today and how you can join our social networks.
Today’s Prize: A PC download code for Batman: Arkham City, donated kindly by Rocksteady
It’s your chance to get your hands on one of this year’s hottest games and this time we are going to change things up a bit.
Want to win? Today’s prize is for new forum registrations and activity on the forums today. We have some great members and community chatter, so register and come say hi! We’re confident you’ll visit our forums time and time again!
Feature Type: Competitions | Tagged advent giveaway, Batman: Arkham City, download, steam code