Tag Archives: fighting
Here's a breakdown of the content on This Is My Joystick that contains the tag fighting. All our editorials, reviews and features are filtered below.
Review: No More Heroes: Heroes’ Paradise
July 13, 2011, Author: James Sheppard
James takes a trip into Paradise, in his review of the PS3 remake of No More Heroes. Continue reading
Review: Dead or Alive: Dimensions
June 3, 2011, Author: James Sheppard
James is wanted, Dead or Alive, in his review of the latest fighting combatant to hit the Nintendo 3DS. Continue reading
Review: Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition
April 14, 2011, Author: James Sheppard
James mashes away frantically at his 3DS, to bring you his review of Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition. Continue reading
Review: Crasher
March 9, 2011, Author: James Sheppard
James hunts down other players (quite literally) to blast them into oblivion, in his review of Crasher on PC. Continue reading
Review: Fighters Uncaged
November 18, 2010, Author: Ray Willmott
Ray trains to be an Uncaged Fighter! Continue reading