Tag Archives: Sequel
Here's a breakdown of the content on This Is My Joystick that contains the tag Sequel. All our editorials, reviews and features are filtered below.
Yakuza: Dead Souls
April 18, 2012, Author: Sayem Ahmed
Sayem finds an unwelcome and undead surprise lurking the streets of Tokyo, in Yakuza: Dead Souls. Continue reading
Review: Dead Space 2
February 16, 2011, Author: Debbie Lloyd
Debbie returns to space... Continue reading
Borderlands: What I’d like in a sequel
August 16, 2010, Author: Simon Weatherall
Simon takes a look at Borderlands then throws some things in the pot that could improve it for the next game. Continue reading
Review: Crackdown 2
July 21, 2010, Author: Phil Ubee
Phil reviews Xbox 360 title Crackdown 2 Continue reading
Cliffy B, we love you, but…
March 17, 2010, Author: Simon Weatherall
Simon makes a personal plea to Cliffy B... Hey, that rhymed... Continue reading