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New Call of Duty is Coming out – manages to look interesting

May 2, 2014, Author: Matt Parker

As someone that’s not played a Call of Duty game since the original Modern Warfare, it’s safe to say that I’m not one to get easily excited about a shooter. This, however, has been somewhat challenged by the latest announcement of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.

The recent trailer contains all sorts of hints and promises of new and interesting potential gameplay mechanics and story arcs. DID I MENTION IT’S GOT KEVIN SPACEY IN IT?

Although the introduction of Hollywood actors isn’t exactly a guarantee of any quality, it’s hard not to hold Mr Spacey to somewhat higher standards than most. Come on Kevin, make some demands and ensure your name isn’t soiled by appearing in a rubbish video game. Bruce Willis will tell you it doesn’t end well.

So the trailer shows off what looks like hoverbikes, exo-skeletons that allow you to jump about like you’re in Titanfall and full on mech-suites as well. With any luck, these new features will re-invigorate a series which has been on the decline for a couple of games now.