Tag Archives: Battlefield
Here's a breakdown of the content on This Is My Joystick that contains the tag Battlefield. All our editorials, reviews and features are filtered below.
Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires (PlayStation 4)
April 7, 2015, Author: James Sheppard
James gets his first taste of battle in Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires, but is keen to make a hasty retreat. Continue reading
Beta Impressions: Battlefield: Hardline
June 18, 2014, Author: Andy Corrigan
Criminally good fun? Continue reading
Battlefield 4 (PS4/Xbox One/PC)
January 7, 2014, Author: Andy Corrigan
War! What is it good for? Entertaining online shooters, apparently. Continue reading
Killzone: Shadow Fall
December 19, 2013, Author: Andy Buick
Andy B gets his next-gen on with the stunning but slightly by-the-numbers Killzone: Shadow Fall Continue reading
Team Talk: Games of the Generation
November 18, 2013, Author: Andy Buick
The team looks back at their fondest memories of this generation. Continue reading