Tag Archives: Killzone: Shadow Fall
Here's a breakdown of the content on This Is My Joystick that contains the tag Killzone: Shadow Fall. All our editorials, reviews and features are filtered below.
PS4 and the five not-so-shiny things
January 7, 2014, Author: Neil Hickton
There always comes a time when shiny becomes dusty and new becomes the new old. PS4 is no exception of course, but with an exciting future of promises ahead, what does Sony need to concentrate on to improve the console experience? Continue reading
TIMJ podcast episode 16: The storm of ages
December 25, 2013, Author: Neil Hickton
Neil Hickton, Andy Buick and Smiley Dave fill their cups with eggnog and fill their pockets with party pack samosas and mini sausage rolls. Special guests pop up like a saturday night talk show throughout, wishing you all best of seasons greetings! Continue reading
Unboxing a monster: My first few days with the PS4
December 2, 2013, Author: Neil Hickton
The start of a new and exciting generation of gaming technology heralds exciting times ahead. Neil Hickton battles with the packaging, ignores the instruction manual and gets stuck into the PS4. Continue reading
TIMJ Podcast Episode 14: Eurogamer Expo 2013
November 10, 2013, Author: Neil Hickton
Neil Hickton and Andy Buick are joined by Matt Parker and Mike Smith to talk about their highlights of the 2013 Eurogamer Expo Continue reading
TIMJ Podcast Episode 6: Love PS4 Ever?
February 26, 2013, Author: Neil Hickton
We love special guests on podcasts, so much so, we've brought you two! Listen now! Continue reading