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EA – ‘No Wii U Games In Development’

May 17, 2013, Author: Matt Parker

What a difference a couple of years can make. It wasn’t long ago that Nintendo tried to claim that the Wii U would be ‘next-gen’ and it wasn’t long ago that Nintendo trotted out the (then) EA CEO to tell fans that EA would support the Wii U.

Still, the way things change so quickly in the gaming world, I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised to hear this piece of news. EA have announced that they’ve currently got ‘no games in development for the Wii U’.

Whilst this may sound like a big deal, it’s probably not. This isn’t likely to be a ‘Dreamcast’ scenario.

EA games aren’t exactly what the ‘Nintendo’ crowd are into, so no tears will be shed at this news.



What is worrying is the fact that the ‘Nintendo crowd’ want Nintendo games. Which they’re still not getting.

Even with today’s Nintendo Direct stream, nothing new was really announced or shown. There was news of demos being available, some HD re-makes and very little else.

I’m not about to write off the Wii U, heck no. Once the first party titles are out, we’re bound to see some success. You only need to look at the 3DS, which recently reported increased software sales this year. Once a Nintendo console has Nintendo games on it, it tends to do fine.

So whilst the lack of EA games is hardly cause for concern, the lack of Nintendo games is. Get a move-on Nintendo.