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London’s Getting an ‘E-Sports Bar’
May 13, 2013, Author: Matt Parker
E-sports, eh? They sure are popular, aren’t they? I, as a person who pays a great deal of attention to all things gaming, sure do love those sports of an electronic nature. League of Warcraft. Dawn of the Legends. Love them all.
Do you see what I’ve done there? That’s sarcasm. I haven’t got a clue about E-sports. If only there was a place where I could go and have a drink, meet my friend and become involved in the world of E-sports. Lucky for me, Meltdown is an e-sports bar opening in London that looks to solve this very issue.
Sophia Metz, the co-founder of Meltdown summed up the idea of the bar;
“There are a lot of stereotypes about gamers: they’re meant to be antisocial, spending all day shut up in their bedrooms, wandering virtual worlds. For some people it’s hard to imagine them going out, let alone to party. What if it was just a matter of finding the right place to go?
Geeks and gamers gather every night of the week to party, drinking cocktails while playing and watching the highest level of professional gaming streamed from around the world.”
So there we have it. London gets a new bar and, as a gamer, I feel it’s my duty to have a drink or two to smash these false stereotypes associated with our pastime.
I’ll have a Force Field and two Blankas. You know, for the good of gaming, of course.
Meltdown opens on the 1st of June and is in London’s Islington borough. See you there?
Feature Type: News | Tagged Booze, london, Meltdown E-sports bars