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Some Good News For The Wii U – Finally
October 12, 2013, Author: Matt Parker
It’s been a somewhat tough slog for the Wii U in its first 9 months since release. The launch was something of a non-event, then the PS4 and Xbox One stole a lot of thunder and, to top it off, there’s been a real lack of games for those that did go and buy the console.
This could be changing though. Today, I bring good news for Wii U owners and Nintendo shareholders alike.
Right off the bat there are reports that sales of the Wii U console have spiked lately, seeing a 685% increase in last week’s UK numbers. What this exactly means is still hard to gauge. A 685% increase of what, exactly? 2? 3? 10,000?
Still, an increase is an increase, and with reports suggesting that, worldwide and to-date, the Wii U has only sold 3.6 million, Nintendo will take what they can.
MCV seem to be attributing this increase due to the fact that Zelda: Wind Waker HD launched last week as well. The game has also done well on the charts, coming in at number 4. Not bad considering it’s a console exclusive that hasn’t been plastered all over the TV and on the sides of buses.

I’d be happy to see this plastered all over London’s Underground.
The second piece of news that may have made Wii U owners smile is the fact that Ubisoft’s new title, Watch_Dogs, will look better on the Wii U. the game’s creative director was quoted as saying;
“I would say the Wii U version is pretty much in between what the current gen is and what the next gen is from a version standpoint…”

It’s going to look good, but how good is the question…
It’s a refreshing change to hear that a company is porting a game to the Wii U, isn’t moaning about it and is in fact being positive about the console’s hardware capabilities. Admittedly, it’s hardly glowing praise, but it’s praise nonetheless.
The final piece of good news, which some of you may have missed, is that the Wii U is finally getting its killer app this Christmas. Move over Mario Kart 8, we’ve not got Hello Kitty Kruisers to give us all of the cute karting action we need.

Badtz-Maru in a kart.
Seriously, how has it taken this long for Hello Kitty to get her own racing game? I’m calling dibs on Badtz-Maru. The rest of you can play as some other losers. Nothing beats a penguin with a slightly surly attitude.

Badtz-Maru in a plane. Why haven’t you bought a Wii U yet?
So, to all of you that have written off the Wii U, I say hold your horses. New bundles and new games are being launched very soon and whilst it’s hard to deny it’s been anything less than a disappointing start to the console, we all know it’s a marathon and not a sprint.
Sources: MCV, GameSpot, Gamasutra
Feature Type: News | Tagged Hello Kitty, Nintendo, Sales, Watch_Dogs, Wii U, Zelda