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The Wolf Among Us Launches Tomorrow
October 10, 2013, Author: Matt Parker
The Wolf Among Us launches tomorrow and it looks to be as gripping as Telltale’s previous hit, The Walking Dead.
Taking a very similar approach, The Wolf Among Us is set to be a mature episodic game that’s more focused on story and characters than action and explosions. Will it be a story in which everyone lives Happily Ever After though? By the looks of the launch trailer, I very much doubt it.
Telltale’s instantly recognisable graphical style is also on show in the launch trailer. This is no doubt due to the fact that, much like The Walking Dead, the game is based off of a well established graphic novel.
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The Fable graphic novels, from which the game is based, revolves around the idea that a whole host of fairy-tale creatures were teleported into the ‘real’ world.
Each character got to have a fresh start, meaning Bigby Wolf (A.K.A. ‘The Big Bad Wolf’) has seen the error of his ways and is no longer preoccupied with the devouring of crimson clad little girls. A bad habit if ever there was one.
The Wolf Among Us launches tomorrow on 360 and PC with PS3 getting the traditional Telltale delay.
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