Tag Archives: Borderlands
Here's a breakdown of the content on This Is My Joystick that contains the tag Borderlands. All our editorials, reviews and features are filtered below.
Gearbox sees sense, makes Furious 4 its own IP
September 3, 2012, Author: Andy Corrigan
Good job, because the original title made me furious... Continue reading
Play the Borderlands “demake” in your browser!
August 24, 2012, Author: Andy Corrigan
Gearbox give their own franchise the 8bit treatment! Continue reading
Review: Dead Island
September 12, 2011, Author: Ray Willmott
Ray finds out if Dead Island can live up to THAT trailer... Continue reading
Borderlands: What I’d like in a sequel
August 16, 2010, Author: Simon Weatherall
Simon takes a look at Borderlands then throws some things in the pot that could improve it for the next game. Continue reading