Tag Archives: far cry 3
Here's a breakdown of the content on This Is My Joystick that contains the tag far cry 3. All our editorials, reviews and features are filtered below.
Something’s bugging me…
June 17, 2013, Author: Andy Buick
Andy B has a bug to bear... Continue reading
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
May 29, 2013, Author: Matt Parker
The year is 2007. It is the future. The game is Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. The reviewer is Matt. Continue reading
Crysis 3
April 10, 2013, Author: Neil Hickton
Neil is extracted from his deep slumber to fight the good fight. Is Crysis 3 good enough to keep him awake? Continue reading
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon – Standalone & 3 Weeks Away
April 8, 2013, Author: Matt Parker
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is DLC in regards that you'll download it and it is content. Continue reading
TIMJ Podcast Episode 5: Snowpocalypse Now!
January 24, 2013, Author: Neil Hickton
Neil Hickton and Andy Buick stop making snowmen and Andy Corrigan steps in from the baking heat to talk gaming. Only on the TIMJ Podcast! Continue reading