Tag Archives: uk
Here's a breakdown of the content on This Is My Joystick that contains the tag uk. All our editorials, reviews and features are filtered below.
Setting Precedents: The Xbox One Price Drop in the UK and Titanfall Bundle
March 4, 2014, Author: Josué Cardona
Are you affected by news of a price drop in another region? Continue reading
Xbox One Gets A Price-Cut & A Titanfall Bundle
February 24, 2014, Author: Matt Parker
Microsoft make the first of many moves in what will no doubt be a long and drawn out process to make their console 'affordable'. At least they're giving up free copies of games whilst they're doing it though. Which is nice. Continue reading
Microsoft: Border Control and Appalling Customer Service
November 7, 2011, Author: Andy Corrigan
Andy tells us about his experience with moving, Xbox Live and Microsoft Customer service... Continue reading
The UK emergence of GameStop!
September 1, 2011, Author: Neil Hughes
Neil looks into the UK Emergence of GameStop and their sales tactics. Continue reading