Tag Archives: Mirrors Edge
Here's a breakdown of the content on This Is My Joystick that contains the tag Mirrors Edge. All our editorials, reviews and features are filtered below.
Demo Impressions: Crysis 2 (Multiplayer Demo)
February 1, 2011, Author: James Sheppard
James zips up his nanosuit and activates Criticism Mode to bring you his impressions of the Crysis 2 Multiplayer Demo, available exclusively on Xbox Live. Continue reading
Serialisation v Innovation
December 14, 2009, Author: Neil Hughes
Christmas is a time of many gaming sequels, but is it damaging the gaming industry? Continue reading
Platformer soup
September 15, 2009, Author: Shaquil Hansford
Shaq uses soup as an analogy to tell us what all platformers need! Continue reading
Calling it quits
August 31, 2009, Author: Shaquil Hansford
Shaq tells us which franchise he thinks should end! Continue reading
Looking back: Jump! Jump for your life!
August 21, 2009, Author: Shaquil Hansford
In this part of looking back, Shaq takes a look at the platformer. Continue reading