
H. Ford. Florida State University.

See also 292–302 positioning of patient, 178 Facet injections therapy, 292 radiation safety, 178 Facet injections, 203–218 Epidural blood patch, 324–328 recent developments in, anatomy, 203–205, 204–205 cerebrospinal fluid 197–199, 197–200 facet joint block technique, hypovolemia, 324–328 thoracic, 197 208–213, 210–213 alternative treatments, Epidurolysis, 171–202 medial branch block 325 cervical, 197 technique, 213–216, contraindications, 325 contraindications to, 174–175 214–216 prophylactic use of, 326 indications for, 174–175 postoperative care, 216–217 steroids, 326 informed consent issues, 177 spinal pain, 205–216, 206–207 technique, 326–328 injections, 191–197 Facet joint syndrome, 45 sumatriptan, 326 contrast injection, 191–194, Facet rhizolysis for pain on Epidural fibrosis 192–193 extension, 51 pathological changes with, hyaluronidase injection, 195 Failed spinal fusions, in 197 hypertonic saline infusion, radiograph, 41 pathological filling defect 196–197 Fibrin glue patch produced by, 173 injection epidurolysis, cerebrospinal fluid spinal endoscopy, 197 local anesthetic injection, hypovolemia, 328–331 Epidural scarring, pathological 195 blood-banked filling defect produced local anesthetic injection, cryoprecipitate, 328–329 by, 173 195–196, 196 cryoprecipitate, drawback Epidural steroid injection, 60, steroid injection, 195–196, of using, 328 149–170 196 fever with, 329 caudal epidural, 157–160, laboratory work, 177 fibrin sealants, 328 158–159 mechanical, catheter prophylactic use of, 329 initial description of, 149 placement, 187–191, technique, 329–331, 330–331 cervical, 160 188–190 headache with, 329 complications of, 164–168, monitoring of patient, Fibrosis, epidural 165–166 177–178 pathological changes with, interlaminar lumbar epidural needle placement, 178–179 197 injection, 151–155, 152, pathological filling defects, pathological filling defect 154–155 structural abnormalities produced by, 173 midline, introduction of, 149 producing, 173 spinal endoscopy, 197 364 Index Fluoroscopic imaging equipment intradiscal steroid contraindications, 325 biplane, 28 injection, 144 prophylactic use of, 326 fixed, single-plane, 28 local anesthetic injection, steroids, 326 mobile C-arm, 29 144 technique, 326–328 Fluoroscopy, in biopsy, 73 patient positioning, 144 fibrin glue patch, 328–331 Follow up of patients, 52 patient selection, 139–144 blood-banked postoperative care, 147 cryoprecipitate, 328–329 G probe placement for cryoprecipitate, drawback Gabapentin aspiration, 144–145 of using, 328 for depression, 34 procedural steps, 144–145, FDA-approved fibrin mechanism of action, 49 146 sealants, 328 Gadolinium, as contrast agent, reherniation, at level of fever with, 329 34 previous surgery, Hemaseel fibrin sealant, Gait abnormalities, correction 142–143 328 of, 51 technique, 144–145 prophylactic use of, 329 Glaucoma, patients with, 48 calcified, 355 technique, 329–331, Glucosamine sulfate, lumbar, intradiscal oxygen- 330–331 therapeutic use of, 50 ozone treatment, Tisseel fibrin sealant, 328 349–358 spontaneous intracranial H action of, description, hypotension, 322–323 Heat application, 51 350–351 Hemangioblastomas, 304 calcified disc herniations, I therapy, 304, 305 results with, 355 Image-guided spine Hemangiomas, vertebral, clinical experience, interventions, 27–36, 306–310 351–353, 352–353 53–68 type A, 307–308, 308–309 complications, 357 analgesics, 32–33, 49–51 therapy, 307–308 degenerative disease adjuvant, 33–34 type B, 309–310 complicated by for dysesthetic pain, 33–34 therapy, 309–310 herniation, results with, anesthetic agents, 31–32 type C, 310 352, 356 antibiotics, 32 therapy, 310 multiple disc herniations, biplane fluoroscopic Hemaseel fibrin sealant, 328 results with, 354 equipment, 27–29 Hemorrhagic telangiectasia, oxygen-ozone mixture, 350 conventional surgical hereditary. 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Eckel Current medical information on spine pain management implicates the facet joints as one causative mechanism in the etiology of spinal pain. In the fetal phase of life, the principle interest in skeletal growth is associ- ated with the diagnosis of prematurity. In addition, they provide motor skills development and include more functional- type exercise. Integrative healing couples therapy is ideal for couples because it allows focus on individual issues while treating the couple together. Third, behavioral rehearsal may inadvertently escalate conflict outside of sessions and result in precipitous action by one or both partners. We have to move around and try things out with the materials at hand in order to improve our understanding of the situation. Mechanical restraints and drugs SGA combines elements of the patient’s nutrition history used as restraints should be avoided unless they are (weight loss in previous 6 months) and physical exami- 13. 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