Take a look through our editorials for the alternative view point on the gaming industry and how it affects us gamers. Our editorials are a core part of our site, so please rate them and leave feedback, also let us know what affects you.
A matter of character?
May 20, 2014, Author: Jonn Blanchard
Jonn questions why the industry still hasn't embraced strong female characters. Continue reading
Game over for the publishing giants?
May 19, 2014, Author: Jonn Blanchard
Jonn muses on how important the mega publishers are in the current video-game market where digital downloads and crowd funding is becoming king. Continue reading
Should I be reviewing this game?
April 26, 2014, Author: Matt Parker
If we are the reviewers, who will review the reviewers? Continue reading
Why I Regret Buying Metroid Fusion on Wii U
April 14, 2014, Author: Josué Cardona
Josué regrets buying Metroid Fusion for a second time. Continue reading
Hey Nintendo: We want to play online!
March 12, 2014, Author: Josué Cardona
Nintendo still have serious catching up to do in the online arena. Continue reading