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Team Talk: What do we want for Christmas?
November 28, 2014, Author: Andy Buick
Okay, so it might not feel a lot like Christmas just, yet despite what many adverts will try to tell you, but now probably is a good time to have a good think about what you want. The
TIMJ team are all putting their Christmas lists together, so what gaming goodies are the top of our lists? Read on to find out…
James Sheppard – Reviews Editor
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but what I’d most like Santa to bring me this year is an Xbox One. Up until recently I had done little but deride the console and its series of failures. That diabolical E3 presentation, the anti-consumeristic design choices, Microsoft’s stubbornness to shoehorn the Kinect in and raise the price higher than it should have been; the Xbone’s early life has been nothing short of disastrous. Yet I can’t respect Microsoft enough for how they’ve systematically admitted each of their failures and reversed them, leaving a cheaper and more desirable console that’s acquiring a better list of exclusives than its more successful peer the PlayStation 4.
The number one reason for my decision, though? The Halo Master Chief Collection. It’s possible that nostalgia is clouding my mind slightly, as I think back to that exciting Christmas around ten years ago when my mum bought me an original Xbox and a copy of Halo: Combat Evolved. Though despite it feeling a little ridiculous considering that I’ve already purchased a Wii U and PS4 just a short time into the new generation, I’m starting to feel some serious console envy right now.
Jasper Pickering – Staff Writer
I would have to say the game I am most forward to this Christmas would have to be the re-release of GTA V.
It seems strange, considering I bought a PS3 copy less than a year ago, but the recent announcement of a first person GTA experience is something I have always been fascinated by (with all the mods and whatnot) and now it is being fully supported by Rockstar. It is in every sense of the word a ‘game-changer’ and the recent announcement now means I have something to add to my increasing list of demands for Santa. I may even have to pick it up a bit earlier, as I don’t think I can wait over a month after its released to play it…
Dan Moore – Staff Writer
For me, honestly, it is a bit of bandwagon jumping: The Oculus Rift. I am trying to hold out until the consumer model is ready and full games are out for it, but DK2 looks so cool and as more and more interesting games are announced, it is getting into my head more and more.
Of course, I would also want the games, so Elite: Dangerous and Eve: Valkyrie are to be included, but the game I want the most with my Rift is Keep Talking and No One Explodes. The concept sounds so much fun, and with my stock of friends I know it will go down a treat at a party.
Matt Best – Staff Writer
The combination of my impatience and so many great releases in November and early December means that by the time Christmas comes around, I’ve pretty much already got what I need.
I’ve really got my eye on Nintendo’s New 3DS, though. I think the new design is a good step up from the current edition and I’ll be interested to see how things develop. I bought myself a Nintendo 3DS as a Christmas present three years ago and I might have to do the same again this year if my family don’t catch my broad hints.
If I woke up Christmas morning to find a copy of the Remastered PS4 version of GTA V in my stocking, however, I wouldn’t be disappointed.
To be honest, the best present anyone could give me would be more free time to actually enjoy our hobby and whittle down my ‘Pile of Shame’.
Andy Buick – Features Editor
Normally, I can fire off a big old list of gaming stuff I want for Christmas, but aside from being unrealistic and asking for an insanely powerful gaming PC (which will quite definitely not happen), I have to admit I’m struggling a little this year.
As we get through the pre-Christmas rush, it’s becoming increasingly clear that there aren’t too many standout titles. Assassin’s Creed Unity might’ve been up there but it’s obvious at this point that it’s a total mess and means I won’t be going near it for now. Far Cry 4 will go on the list but is sounding like more of the same, which is admittedly no bad thing after the wonder that was Far Cry 3.
Given these slight disappointments, I’ll be looking to get a couple of games I’ve missed earlier in the year, namely Diablo III, and Shadow of Mordor. It’s perhaps not been a banner year for games, especially on PS4 to be honest, but these are both games I’ve wanted to pick up but just haven’t had the time to put into them.
Feature Type: Team Talk! | Tagged 3ds, Assassin's Creed Unity, Diablo 3, Elite: Dangerous, Eve: Valkyrie, far cry 3, Far Cry 4, GTA V, Halo Combat Evolved, Halo Master Chief Collection, Keep Talking and No One Explodes, Oculus Rift, PC, ps4, shadow of mordor, Wii U, Xbox One